
Weekly Torah Reading

The weekly Torah portion is always featured on My Jewish Learning's homepage and on our Weekly Torah Portion page, which also lists the full index of portions. On Shabbos (Saturday) mornings, a weekly section (known in Hebrew as a Sedra or Parshah) is read, selected so that the entire Torah is read consecutively and. The “Torah” and the “Haftorah”, are an integral part of the Bar-Mitzvah. On a regular Shabbat, the weekly Torah portion is divided up into seven zimalip.ru The deeper teachings of the Torah reveal to us that the weekly Torah reading is connected to the unique energetic properties of that week. Weekly Torah Readings: The Torah is divided into 54 parashiyot so that in the course of a year the entire Torah (from Genesis to Deuteronomy) has been.

Category: Weekly Torah portion · 1. Bereshit (In the Beginning) Genesis – · 2. Noach (Noah / Rest) Genesis – · 3. Lech Lecha (Go forth. NAME, DATE, DATE, READING, READING ; BERESHIT, Oct, 29 Tishri, Genesis , Isaiah ; NOACH, Oct, 6 Heshvan, Genesis , Isaiah. On the FIRST DAY OF PASSOVER we read from the book of Exodus () of the bringing of the Passover Offering in Egypt, the Plague of the Firstborn at the. There are 54 weekly portions in the Torah. Torah reading follows an annual cycle beginning and ending on Simchat Torah, with the divisions corresponding to the. On Shabbos (Saturday) mornings, a weekly section (known in Hebrew as a Sedra or Parshah) is read, selected so that the entire Torah is read consecutively and. Table of Weekly Parshiyot ; Terumah, Exodus · I Kings ; Tetzaveh, Exodus · Ezekiel ; Ki Tisa, Exodus · I. Weekly Torah reading for April Pesach. Full kriyah, triennial cycle, weekday readings. Calendar, spreadsheets, feeds and downloads. For the Jew, “living with the times” always meant looking to the weekly Torah reading for guidance and inspiration. Our comprehensive Parshah section includes. The Weekly Torah Portion: A One-Year Journey Through the Parasha Readings [Morgan PhD, David M.] on zimalip.ru *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

Weekly Torah Portion · Parshat Metzora: The Life Preservative · Parshat Tazria: Take the Loss Seriously · Parshat Shmini: Premium Fuel Only · Parshat Tzav. The Jewish people divided the Torah into fifty-four portions to be read over the course of a year. This weekly discipline helps disciples to master the. Discover valuable insights that emerge from each weekly Torah portion. Check out Aleph Beta's videos and printable guides here! Parasha Reading Schedule ; Feb. Feb 26, · 17 Adar I · KI TISA · Exodus – · 1 Kings –39 · Matthew –13 · Feb 19, · 10 Adar I. It is a custom among religious Jewish & Messianic communities for a weekly Torah portion to be read during Jewish prayer services on Monday, Thursday. The Torah (Five Books of Moses) is divided into 54 sections, or parshiyot. Each section (called a parsha, also transliterated parashah or parasha) is read. Find weekly Torah portions, Torah commentaries, and English translations. Each week in synagogue, we read (or, more accurately, chant, because it is sung) a passage from the Torah. This passage is referred to as a parashah. The first. On the simplest level, studying the weekly portion involves reading the Torah text in any language, noticing what seems interesting, asking questions, and.

Every year, we read the entire Torah, one portion per week. Every year we find ourselves, our troubles and our victories, our hopes and our dreams. Weekly Torah Portion ; Bereishit. Parashat Bereshit. Genesis - In this section you can learn to read the weekly Torah portion online. The text that appears on the Chumash side has the vowels and the notes (Trope) which is. On Shabbat (Saturday) mornings, a weekly section (known as a sedra or parashah) is read, selected so that the entire Pentateuch is read consecutively each year. Traditionally, the five books of the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are divided into “weekly parashot” (portions or readings).

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